Our thematic projects which work across countries include:
The link between freedom from torture, inhuman and degrading treatment and the right to be free from discrimination is important, and is increasingly being acknowledged in courts around the world. For example, it is now widely recognised as unlawful inhuman treatment to subject certain prisoners with disabilities to the same conditions as those without disabilities. Our work in this area is focused on: enriching the discourse, raising awareness of the importance of tackling the issue, and advancing protection for victims of this type of discrimination through the courts.
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We believe that the rights to freedom of expression and non-discrimination are complementary, foundational rights, both of which are essential to the enjoyment of other human rights. We work to promote equal enjoyment of the right to freedom of expression and to combat expression which aims to incite violence or discrimination against particular groups.
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Stateless persons are denied the right to nationality. They are extremely vulnerable to discrimination and persecution. They often lack official documentation, which prevents them from accessing basic services such as education and healthcare. To promote a world in which no one is left stateless, we carry out a number of activities in countries where this issue exists and must be addressed.
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Economic and social rights are clearly enshrined in international human rights law: critical rights such as the right to education, employment, an adequate standard of living, health and social security should be guaranteed by states without discrimination. We engage with this intersection in two key ways: exploring the link at the conceptual level to develop the discourse; and working towards the practical realisation of socio-economic rights for the most disadvantaged, through applying equality strategies.
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