Equality and Non-Discrimination in Russia - Best Practice Guide for Lawyers
Statement for the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe Human Dimension Implementation Meeting 2017
Legal Analysis:Holes and Hopes for Rohingya in Thailand [Thai]
International Legal Framework, Confined Spaces [Thai]
International Legal Framework, Confined Spaces [Bengali]
Legal Status of the Rohingya in Bangladesh: Refugee, Stateless or Status Less [Bengali]
Bengali translation of, Legal Status of the Rohingya in Bangladesh: Refugee, Stateless or Status Less, a paper from the Equal Rights Trust report, Confined Spaces.
Свобода выражения мнений и притеснения на религиозной почве: точка зрения художника
Запрет притеснений на религиозной почве: продвижение взаимной терпимости или поощрение взаимного невежества?
Equal Rights Review Vol 9 - 16 selected articles on discrimination on the basis of religion, race and ethnicity (Russian language version).
Equal Rights Review Vol 9 - 16 selected articles on discrimination on the basis of religion, race and ethnicity (Russian language version).