Reasonable Accommodation
Equality and Non-Discrimination in Russia - Best Practice Guide for Lawyers
Submission to CRPD -General Comment 6 - Repsonse to 31 August Draft
Legal Analysis of Anti-discrimination Legislation in Ukraine
This Legal Analysis of the Law "On Principles of Prevention and Combating Discrimination in Ukraine" was produced by The Equal Rights Trust as part of its ongoing efforts to improve equality laws in Ukraine. The Analysis concludes that the protections contained in the Law are insufficient to meet Ukraine?s obligations under international and European human rights law.
ERR Volume 5, Bob Hepple: The New Single Equality Act in Britain
This is the article "The New Single Equality Act in Britain", authored by Bob Hepple, published in Volume 5 of The Equal Rights Review.
Russian Judicial Decisions on Anti-Discrimination
This document outlines decisions on anti-discrimination cases in Russia.
ERT Case Summary: No. 01-00.519
This is the case summary of the French Court of Cassation decision in case No. 01-00.519.
Interview - Promoting a Paradigm Shift, The Equal Rights Review
The Interview - Promoting a Paradigm Shift appears in volume two of the Equal Rights Review.
ERT Case Summary: Roads v Central Trains Limited
This is the ERT case summary of the United Kingsom's Court of Appeal decision of Roads v Central Trains Limited [2004] EWCA Civ 1541, (2004) 104 ConLR 62.
ERT Non-discrimination and Equality Standards Compendium
This is The Equal Rights Trust’s Non-Discrimination and Equality Standards Compendium. The Compendium has been developed as an information and educational resource to guide lawyers, policy makers and human rights activists working to promote the right to equality and non-discrimination.