Race and Ethnicity

Equal Rights Trust Letter to Rotherham CCG Regarding Health Access for Roma Communities

Equal Rights Trust letter to NHS Rotherham Clinical Commissioning Group on ensuring equality access to healthcare for migrant Roma communities. The letter focuses on sharing findings of consultation meetings which have been undertaken with members of the migrant Roma community in the Rotherham area. These consultations have revealed the existence of significant barriers which prevent members of this community from accessing health services on an equal basis with others.

Equal Rights Trust Letter to Oldham Council Regarding Services for Roma Communities

Equal Rights Trust letter to Oldham Council regarding equality in access to council services for Roma communities. The letter shares findings of consultation meetings which were undertaken with members of the migrant Roma community in consultation meetings held in Oldham, and to make recommendations for how the Council could better meet its obligations under the Equality Act 2010. These consultations have revealed the existence of significant barriers which prevent members of this community from accessing employment and housing in Oldham on an equal basis with others.

Equal Rights Trust Letter to Oldham CCG Regarding Health Access for Roma Communities

Equal Rights Trust letter to Oldham Clinical Commissioning Group on ensuring equality in access to healthcare for migrant Roma communities. The letter focuses on sharing with you the findings of consultation meetings which we have undertaken with members of the migrant Roma community in the Oldham area, and makes recommendations for how the Clinical Commissioning Group could better meet its obligations under the Equality Act 2010.

Equal Rights Trust Letter to Newham Council Department of Housing Regarding Housing Access for Roma Communities

Equal Rights Trust letter to the Department of Housing sharing findings of consultation meetings which we have undertaken with members of the migrant Roma community in consultation meetings held in Stratford, east London, and to make recommendations for how the Council could better meet its obligations under the Equality Act 2010. These consultations have revealed the existence of significant barriers which prevent members of this community from accessing housing services on an equal basis with others.

Equal Rights Trust Letter to Newham CCG Regarding Health Access for Roma Communities

Equal Rights Trust letter to the NHS Newham Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) on ensuring equality in access to healthcare for migrant Roma communities. The letter focuses on sharing the findings of consultation meetings which the Trust undertook with members of the migrant Roma community in the Newham area, and to make recommendations for how the Clinical Commissioning Group could better meet its obligations under the Equality Act 2010.

Equal Rights Trust Letter to Derbyshire County Council Regarding Services for Roma Communities

Letter from the Equal Rights Trust to Derbyshire County Council focused on ensuring equality in access to council services for Roma communities. The letter shares findings of consultation meetings which were undertaken with members of the migrant Roma community in consultation meetings held in Derby. These consultations have revealed the existence of significant barriers which prevent members of this community from accessing Council services in the Derby area on an equal basis with others.

Equal Rights Trust Alternative Report Submitted to the 114 Session of the Human Rights Committee: UK

Equal Rights Trust alternative report submitted to the 114 session of the Human Rights Committee in relation to the seventh periodic report submitted by the United Kingdom. This submission focuses on the extent to which the United Kingdom has met its obligations to respect, protect and fulfil the right to non-discrimination. Thus, the submission is primarily concerned with the United Kingdom’s performance under two Articles of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (the Covenant): first, Article 2(1) of the Covenant which requires that states parties respect and ensure the en

Rohingya Briefing Report

A report from Warzone Initiatives outlining: the history of Myanmar; the current situation facing Rohingya in Myanmar; the international response to the situation; and Warzone initiatives' analysis of whether Rohingya atrocities in Myanmar can be classes as genocide or ethnic cleansing.   
