Development and Equal Rights
Learning InEquality Executive Summary
Learning InEquality: Using Equality Law to Tackle Barriers to Primary Education for Out-Of-School Children
Inequality, Not Insufficiency: Making Social Rights Real in a World of Plenty
Article from vol 12 of the Equal Rights Review which has a special focus on equality and socio-economic rights.
Vadim Poleshchuk Older Age, Employment and Equality in Legislation: A “Progressive” Estonian Approach?
Article from vol 12 of the Equal Rights Review which has a special focus on equality and socio-economic rights.
Equal Rights at the Heart of the Post-2015 Development Agenda
This paper sets out ERT's position on the Post-2015 Development Framework - the framework which is being developed to succeed the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The paper's central recommendation is that the new framework should include the adoption of comprehensive equality legislation as a specific, standalone development goal.
this is an interview article with Sandra Fredman and Margarita Ilieva entitled Combating Poverty through Equality Law - Possibilities and Pitfalls. It is published in volume three of The Equal Rights Review.
Combating Poverty through Equality Law - Possibilities and Pitfalls: ERT talks with Sandra Fredman and Margarita Ilieva, The Equal Rights Review, Volume Three, pp. 83 - 93.
this is an interview article with Sandra Fredman and Margarita Ilieva entitled Combating Poverty through Equality Law - Possibilities and Pitfalls. It is published in volume three of The Equal Rights Review.
UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, Concluding Observations on the Second Periodic Report of Venezuela
This is the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, concluding observations on the second periodic report of Venezuela.
ERT letter to UN Ban Ki-Moon on World Day of Social Justice
This is the ERT letter sent to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Ban Ki-Moon, appealing for him to endorse the Declaration of Principles on Equality on the World Day of Social Justice.