
Perks, K., and de Chickera, A., The Silent Stateless and the Unhearing World: Can Equality Compel Us to Listen?, The Equal Rights Review, Volume Three

This is an article by Katherine Perks and Amal de Chickera entitled The Silent Stateless and the Unhearing World: Can Equality Compel Us to Listen? It was published in volume three of The Equal Rights Review.

Romania: Paragraph 2, Article 4 of the Romanian Constitution regarding the “Unity of the peoples and equality among citizens”

This is the full text of Paragraph 2, Article 4 of the Romanian Constitution (regarding the “Unity of the peoples and equality among citizens”) enacted by the Constituent Assembly on 21 November 1991, and approved by a national referendum on 8 December 1991. The article has been in force since 8 December 1991. In 2003 there was a Constitutional revision, which was approved on 18-19 October 2003 by a national referendum. The latter was published on 29 October 2003. It entered into force on 29 October 2003.

Romania: Law 272 of 21 June 2004 for the Protection and Promotion of the Rights of Children

This is the full text (in Romanian only) of Law 272 of 21 June 2004 for the Protection and Promotion of the Rights of Children enacted by the Parliament. It was adopted on 23 June 2004 and it has been in force since 1 January 2005, except the provision of Art. 17 (2), Art 19(3), Art 84, (2), Art 104 (2), Art. 105 (5), Art. 107 (2) and Art. 117, which entered into force on 26 June 2004.
