The Netherlands: Equal Treatment Act 1994
This is the full text of the Equal Treatment Act 1994 (Algemene Wet Gelijke Behandeling), enacted by the Netherlands. It was adopted on 2 March 1994.
This is the full text of the Equal Treatment Act 1994 (Algemene Wet Gelijke Behandeling), enacted by the Netherlands. It was adopted on 2 March 1994.
This is the full text of the Federal Constitutional Law, enacted by Austria. Chapter VIII sets out the date of entry into force of the different provisions contained in the Law.
This is the text of the Ordinance No 137/2000 on Preventing and Sanctioning All Forms of Discrimination, enacted by Romania. It was adopted on 31 August 2000 has been in force since October 2000.
This is the text of the Equal Treatment and the Promotion of Equal Opportunities Act, enacted by Hungary. It was adopted on 22 December 2003.
This is the text of the Employment Contracts Act, originally enacted by Finland in 2001. It originally came into force on 1 June 2001. The text includes all amendments made in regard to this Act up to 2006.
"Testimony of an “erased” stateless person from Slovenia, taken by Donatella Fregonese" appears in The Equal Rights Review (vol.1).
On 8 November 2007 The Equal Rights Trust call on Janez Janša, the Slovenian Prime Minister, to recall the Draft Constitutional Law, presented to the Parliament on 30 October, which is intended to resolve the status of the “erased” – people unlawfully removed from the registry of permanent residents in 1992. ERT urged the Slovenian government to introduce instead legislation that is in line with international human rights law and the relevant decisions of the Slovenian Constitutional Court.
The text of the French Penal Code (Code Pénale). This version was last updated on the 12 October 2005.
The Equal Rights Trust's written comments to the European Court of Human Rights in the case of Makuc and Others v. Slovenia (Application No. 26828/06)
Articles 1 - 18 cover substantive rights, including the right to life, the right not to be tortured and right to freedom of expression. In addition, there are also protocols to the Convention that guarantee other substantive rights, such as the right to property (Article 1 of Protocol 1), and prohibit the collective expulsion of aliens (Article 4 of Protocol 4). Article 14 of the Convention provides that no one shall be discriminated against in their enjoyment of the rights provided under the Convention.