
ERT Case Summary: Michael Corcoran, Tony Corcoran, Kathleen Ward, Martin Ward, Francie Stokes, Bridget Stokes (represented by Oliver Roche & Co., Solicitors) v The One Foot Inn, Burnfoot, Co. Donegal (DEC-S2007-004)

This is the ERT case summary of the Irish Equality Tribunal decision of Michael Corcoran, Tony Corcoran, Kathleen Ward, Martin Ward, Francie Stokes, Bridget Stokes (represented by Oliver Roche & Co., Solicitors) v The One Foot Inn, Burnfoot, Co. Donegal (DEC-S2007-004).

ERT Case Summary: The Documentation and Advisory Centre on Racial Discrimination (DACRD) v Denmark, Communication No. 28/2003, U.N. Doc. CERD/C/63/D/28/2003 (2003)

This is the ERT case summary of the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination decision of The Documentation and Advisory Centre on Racial Discrimination (DACRD) v Denmark, Communication No. 28/2003, U.N. Doc. CERD/C/63/D/28/2003 (2003).
