European Union

Communication From the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament: Towards a United Nations legally binding instrument to promote and protect the rights and dignity of persons with disabilities

This communication expresses the support of the European Commission "for a United Nations (UN) legally binding instrument to protect and promote the rights and dignity of persons with disability". It notes that respect for equality and non-discrimination should be a cornerstone of such an instrument and goes on to observe that the focus on equality is fully in line with the EU's rights-based approach to disability.


This paper examines the options open to the EU in preparing new legislation in this field. Drawing on the experience of sexual equality legislation at both the European and national level, the paper examines both the strengths and weaknesses of the existing anti-discrimination legislation. The paper also points out the importance of a combination of criminal and civil law remedies. Specific action against discrimination is unlikely to be sufficient unless complemented by measures to promote equal opportunities for ethnic minorities in all aspects of EU policies.

The Situation of Roma in an Enlarged European Union

This report examines the situation of Roma in Europe, focusing on their access to education, employment, health, social welfare benefits and housing. The report also addresses the particular disadvantages experienced by Romani women and the traveller community and includes research findings that were conducted over a period of 10 months in Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, France, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Spain and the United Kingdom.

The Business Case for Diversity

The executive summary notes that "an increasing number of European companies are adopting diversity and equality strategies, not only for ethical and legal reasons but also for the business benefits they are expected to deliver." The report examines the key challenges in implementing diversity promotion and also discusses the perceived benefits of diversity. Also included are some good practice examples that have been adopted by companies in different sectors.

Protecting LGBT People Seeking Asylum: Guidelines on the Refugee Status Directive

This paper was published by ILGA-Europe to help identify which provisions of the Refugee Status Directive (Directive 2004/83/EC) are relevant to third-country LGBT nationals seeking asylum in the European Union. The paper first provides background and key points of the Directive, defining the terms “refugee” and “subsidiary protection,” and identifies the rights that people under these statuses are entitled to.

European Commission. Equality and Non-Discrimination in an enlarged EU, Green Paper

This Green Paper on "Equality and non-discrimination in an enlarged EU", adopted by the European Commission on 26 May, outlines the steps that the EU has already taken to ban discrimination in employment and beyond. It identifies areas where further action is required to ensure that people across the enlarged EU can benefit from these new rights, as well as a range of practical measures that could support the efforts of national authorities, civil society and other stakeholders.
