Jenny Goldschmidt: Protecting Equality as a Human Right in the Netherlands
This is the article "Protecting Equality as a Human Right in the Netherlands", authored by Jenny Goldschmidt, published in Volume 8 of The Equal Rights Review.
This is the article "Protecting Equality as a Human Right in the Netherlands", authored by Jenny Goldschmidt, published in Volume 8 of The Equal Rights Review.
This is a case summary of the UN Human Rights Committee decision in the case of S.W.M. Broeks v. The Netherlands.
This is a case summary of the UN Human Rights Committee decision in the case of Oulajin & Kaiss v. The Netherlands.
This document outlines legislation in Belgium that prohibits discrimination on the basis of race and national origin in the provision of goods and services.
We are grateful to Sullivan & Cromwell LLP for preparing this document on a pro bono basis. Their contribution is extremely relevant to disseminating information on equality and antidiscrimination
This is the PILI case summary of the United Nations Human Rights Committee decision Brinkhof v. Netherlands (Communication No 402/1990: Netherlands. 30/07/93.CCPR/C/48/D/402/1990).
This is the PILI case summary of the United Nations Human Rights Committee decision H. A. E. d. J. v. Netherlands Communication No. 297/1988:Netherlands. 23/11/89.CCPR/C/37/D/297/1988).
This is the case summary of the European Court of Human Rights case of Wessels-Bergervoet v. The Netherlands (Application no. 34462/97).
This is the PILI case summary of the European Court of Human Rights case of Camp and Bourimi v. Netherlands (Application no. 28369/95).
This is the ERT case summary of the UN Human Rights Committee, Twenty-ninth session, decision of S. W. M. Brooks v Netherlands, Communication No. 172/1984: Netherlands. 09/04/87. CCPR/C/29/D/172/1984.
This is the ERT case summary of the UN Human Rights Committee, Forty-sixth session, decision of Lahcen B. M. Oulajin and Mohamed Kaiss v Netherlands, Communication No. 426/1990, UN Doc. CCPR/C/46/D/426/1990 (1992).