Case Summary - Commonwealth v Australia Capital Territories
Case Summary - Commonwealth v Australia Capital Territories
Australian High Court Declares Regional Marriage Equality (Same Sex) Act As Of No Effect
London, 18 December 2013
On 12 December 2013, the High Court of Australia issued its judgment in The Commonwealth v Australian Capital Territory, a case relating to the status of the Marriage Equality (Same Sex) Act 2013, a regional law enacted in October 2013 which permitted same-sex marriage in the Australian Capital Territories (ACT). As was expected, the High Court found that the Act was inconsistent with federal law on marriage, which defines marriage as a union between a man and a woman.
Australia Regional Resettlement Policy letter
This is ERT's letter to Australian Prime Minister Hon Kevin Rudd MP, with regard to the announcement of the ?Regional Settlement Arrangement? under which Australia signed agreements with Papua New Guinea (PNG) on 19 July and Nauru on 3 August. In the letter, ERT condemns the retrogressive and inhumane policy of forcibly removing asylum seekers to third countries without determining their status and in breach of the principle of non-refoulement and other obligations under international law.
ERT Condemns Australia's Retrogressive and Inhumane Refugee Policy
ERT Submission - Sex Discrimination Amendment (Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Intersex Status) Bill 2013
This is The Equal Rights Trust's submission to the Australian Senate Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs on the Sex Discrimination Amendment (Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Intersex Status) Bill 2013.
ERR10, Equal Rights for Intersex People: Testimony of an Intersex Person
This is testimony gathered from an intersex person in Australia, published in Volume Ten of The Equal Rights Review.
Anti-Discrimination Bill 2012 Shelved by Australian Government
London, 26 March 2013
Australian Senate Committee Adopts Key ERT Recommendation on Religious Exceptions
ERT Submission to Australian Senate Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs on the Draft Anti-Discrimination and Human Rights Bill
ERT's response to the consultation by the Australian Senate Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs on the Draft Anti-Discrimination and Human Rights Bill welcomes the Bill, but makes a number of recommendations on how it could be strengthened to ensure full compliance with international law and best practice on equality, including the Declaration of Principles on Equality.