Uccellari, Paola. Banning Religious Harassment: Promoting Mutual Tolerance or Encouraging Mutual Ignorance?
This is an article written by Paola Uccellari which appears in Volume Two of The Equal Rights Review.
This is an article written by Paola Uccellari which appears in Volume Two of The Equal Rights Review.
This is the ERT case summary of the United Kingdom High Court decision in the case of T (on the application of) v. Independent Appeal Panel for Devon County Council [2007] EWHC 763 (Admin).
This is the ERT case Summary of the United Kingdom, Employment Appeal Tribunal decision in the case of Port v. The Royal Mail and Others (Appeal No: EAT/45/99).
This is the ERT case summary of the United Kingdom, Court of Appeal decision in the case of Miles v. Gilbank (Case No: A2/2005/2196).
This is the ERT case summary of the United Kingdom, House of Lords decision in the case of Hallam and another v. Cheltenham Borough Council and others (Case No. [2001] UKHL 15).
This is the ERT case summary of the United Kingdom, Employment Appeal Tribunal decision in the case of British Gas Trading Limited v. Scott (Appeal No. UKEAT/0322/07/RN).
This is the ERT case summary of the United Kingdom, Employment Appeal Tribunal decision in the case of Barclays Bank Plc v. James ([1990] ICR 333).
This is the ERT case summary of the United Kingdom, Employment Appeal Tribunal decision in the case of Aviance UK Ltd. v. Garcia-Bello (Appeal No UKEAT/0044/07/DA).
This is the ERT case summary of the United Kingdom, House of Lords decision in the case of Anyanwu and another v. South Bank Student Union (Case No. [2001] UKHL 14).
This is the ERT case summary of the United Kingdom, Court of Appeal decision in the case of AI (Nigeria) v. Secretary of State for the Home Department (Case No: C5/2006/1080).