
Iachimovschi v Moldova - Joint Written Submission of ERT and ILGA submission - 17 September 2018

The joined applications in these proceedings concern alleged failures by the State Party to protect the applicants against acts of violence by third parties. They raise the issue of whether the authorities have complied with their positive obligation, within the meaning of Article 3 of the Convention, to prevent such violence and to prosecute those responsible for it.

Alternative report submitted to the 17th session of the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in relation to the initial report submitted by: Republic of Moldova

Submission from the Equal Rights Trust and Promo-LEX Association for the 17th Session of the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in relation to the initial report submitted by the Republic of Moldova.  

Equal Rights Trust and Promo-LEX call for improved implementation of equality laws in Moldova

Today, the Equal Rights Trust and Moldovan non-governmental organisation Promo-LEX launch From Words to Deeds: Addressing Discrimination and Inequality in Moldova the first comprehensive study ever produced on discrimination in Moldova. The report finds that while Moldova has made significant strides in improving legislation on discrimination in recent years, much remains to be done to ensure that these laws are effective in practice.

De La Vorbe La Fapte Combaterea discriminării și inegalității în Moldova

Moldovan language version of From Words to Deeds: Addressing Discrimination and Inequality in Moldova which analyses discrimination facing different people in Moldova on the basis of age, ethnicity, religion, disability, health status, gender and sexual orientation and makes recommendations on how to achieve equality for all in Moldova. 

Part 4 of From Words to Deeds: Addressing Discrimination and Inequality in Moldova

Part 4 of the report, From Words to Deeds: Addressing Discrimination and Inequality in Moldova. The report analyses discrimination facing different groups in Moldova on the basis of age, ethnicity, religion, disability, health status, gender and sexual orientation. Part 4 makes recommendations to the government of Moldova and the international community on what measures can and should be taken to ensure equality for all. 

Part 3 of From Word to Deeds: Addressing Discrimination and Inequality in Moldova

Part 3 of the report, From Words to Deeds: Addressing Discrimination and Inequality in Moldova. The report analyses discrimination facing different people in Moldova on the basis of age, ethnicity, religion, disability, health status, gender and sexual orientation. Part 3 outlines outlines the legal and policy framework relating to equality in Moldova.
