
Chinese Anti-Discrimination Activists Under Attack

Yesterday (13 July) the office of Zhengzhou Yirenping was raided by police for the second time in a month. The Chinese authorities first raided the premises on 17 June, seizing computers and interrogating staff about the organisation's work with human rights defenders.
The detention of public interest lawyer Chang Boyang on 28 May, shortly before the 25 anniversary of the Tiananmen massacre, appears to have been motivated solely by his work on behalf of individuals exposed to discrimination in China, including women, migrant workers, people living with HIV/AIDs or hepatitis B or C, and other vulnerable individuals. However, when the police first detained him it was on the grounds that he was suspected to be gathering to disturb the public order.

Wan Yanhai, Hu Ran, Guo Ran, Linda Arnade: Discrimination against People with HIV/AIDS in China, The Equal Rights Review, Volume Four, 2010, pp. 15 - 25.

This is and article by Wan Yanhai, Hu Ran, Guo Ran and Linda Arnade entitled Discrimination against People with HIV/AIDS in China. It was published in Volume Four of The Equal Rights Review, Volume Four.

UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, Concluding Observations on the Initial Periodic Report of China and the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

This is the concluding observations of the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, on the initial periodic report of China and the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. It was published on 21 May 2001.