World Refugee Day 2017: Equal Rights Trust calls for urgent protection of the Rohingya
Each year, World Refugee Day commemorates the strength, courage and perseverance of millions of refugees. On World Refugee Day this year the Equal Rights Trust stands in solidarity with thousands of Rohingya refugees who have fled and who continue to flee discrimination and violence in Rakhine State, Myanmar. Today we make an urgent call to the government of Myanmar to address the root causes of this cycle of flight, and for governments of other countries in the region to fulfil their duties to protect the Rohingya and all other refugees within their borders.
International Legal Framework, Confined Spaces [Bengali]
Legal Status of the Rohingya in Bangladesh: Refugee, Stateless or Status Less [Bengali]
Equal Rights Trust and Partners Launch Rohingya Rights Coalition
Bangkok, 14 September 2015
The Equal Rights Trust and the Institute of Human Rights and Peace Studies, Mahidol University, have launched an International Coalition on Rohingya Rights at an international forum in Bangkok convened by the two organisations.
ERT submission to the Universal Periodic Review of Bangladesh 2012
This is The Equal Rights Trust's stakeholder submission to the Universal Periodic Review of Bangladesh, submitted in October 2012, on the human rights of stateless Rohingya who have sought refuge in Bangladesh.
Civil Society Organisations Deeply Concerned by On-going violence against Stateless Rohingya in Myanmar and their Refoulement from Bangladesh
On 16 July 2012, a coalition of 58 civil society groups - led by The Equal Rights Trust (ERT), the Arakan Project (AP) and Refugees International (RI) ? condemned the abuse and violence carried out by state authorities in Myanmar against the Rohingya community for over one month. What began as inter-communal violence between Rohingya and Rakhine, escalated into large-scale state sponsored violence against the Rohingya, following the deployment of the military.
Burning Homes Sinking Lives
This situation report provides an overview of the violence against and human rights abuse of Rohingya within Rakhine State in Myanmar in June 2012. The Rohingya are a stateless, ethnic and religious minority who were arbitrarily deprived of a nationality in 1982 and have suffered systematic arbitrary and discriminatory treatment in Myanmar for many decades.
ERT Launches Situation Report on Rohingya Crisis in Myanmar and Bangladesh
London, 02 July 2012