
ERT Case Summary: Alekseyev v Russia (Applications nos. 4916/07, 25924/08 and 14599/09)

This is the ERT case summary of the European Court of Human Rights decision in Alekseyev v Russia (application nos. 4916/07, 25924/08 and 14599/09). The Court found a violation of Article 14 (right to non-discrimination) in conjunction with Article 11 (freedom of assembly and association). The case summary sets out the reference details, facts, legal arguments and decision of the case.

Russia: Constitutional Court Forges the Way Out of Discrimination for People with Mental Disabilities

27 Febuary 2009

On 27 February 2009, the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation decided its first case concerning regulations and procedures for assessing legal capacity, one of the key issues affecting people with mental disabilities and their participation on an equal basis with others in exercising basic human rights.

Declaration of Principles on Equality - Russian Translation

Russian Translation of the Declaration of Principles on Equality. The Declaration seeks to broaden the consensus, generate interest and debate and thus contribute to reaffirming and developing the right to equality. The principles formulated and agreed by the experts are based on concepts and jurisprudence developed in international, regional and national legal contexts. They are intended to assist efforts of legislators, the judiciary, civil society organisations and anyone else involved in combating discrimination and promoting equality.

ERT Case Summary: Sergei Anatolievich Cheban et al v The Russian Federation, Communication No. 790/1997, U.N. Doc. CCPR/C/72/D/790/1997 (2001)

This is the ERT case summary of the UN Human Rights Committee, Seventy-eighth session decision of Sergei Anatolievich Cheban et al v The Russian Federation, Communication No. 790/1997, U.N. Doc. CCPR/C/72/D/790/1997 (2001).
