Without Papers, I Am No One: Stateless People in the Dominican Republic

Thursday, 19 November, 2015

Extract from the report: A 2013 constitutional court judgment (Judgment 168-13) has made statelessness a matter of law for several generations of dominicans of foreign descent (...)The law does not provide for dominican nationality to be automatically restored to the two groups of affected people identified. Moreover, it failed to address a wide variety of complex situations created by years of discriminatory policies and practices.

This report shows that several groups of people, mostly of haitian descent, living in the country remain stateless. people who are stateless in the dominican republic and lack identity documents are denied a range of human rights and prevented from participating fully in society. Contrary to international law, statelessness is often passed from parent to child resulting in a continuing cycle of alienation and  marginalization down the generations. Amnesty international calls on the dominican authorities to acknowledge the scale of the problem of statelessness and to take all necessary measures to ensure that those affected are able to fully enjoy their human rights, including their right to a nationality and to freedom from discrimination on grounds of origin or their parents’ migration status.
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