Wednesday, 21 October, 2015
Extract from the report: A quality education, a decent job, access to healthcare and a life free from violence and discrimination are necessary foundations for women and girls to be equal partners with men and boys in every aspect of life. Progress of the World’s Women: Transforming economies, realising rights is a timely reminder of the importance of women’s economic and social rights to building strong and resilient economies and societies, today and for future generations. It shows where governments and the international community have fallen short on realising the full inclusion of women and girls and it illustrates how and where immediate action can redress this critical imbalance. It is fitting that Progress of the World’s Women 2015 is published when the world is poised to embark on a transformative post-2015 sustainable development agenda. The report’s findings and recommendations underline the need to respect and promote the specific rights and needs of women and girls, and to integrate gender equality in all dimensions of sustainable development.
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