London, 24 August 2015
Kyiv, 14 August 2015
On Friday 14 August the Equal Rights Trust launched In the Crosscurrents: Addressing Discrimination and Inequality in Ukraine. The report is the first time an in-depth analysis on discrimination felt by various groups across Ukraine has ever been undertaken, and it assesses how the recent conflict has exacerbated situations for these groups.
London, 31 July 2015
On 16 July 2015, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) issued a preliminary ruling in a case of alleged discrimination on grounds of ethnicity, referred to it by a Bulgarian court. In a welcome decision, the Court provided important guidance on the application of Directive 2000/43/EC (the Race Equality Directive) to a determination of whether an electricity company’s placing of electricity meters in majority-Roma districts at a height where users could not read them was discrimination. In so doing, the Court made comments which indicate its support for a finding that the practice constitutes direct discrimination.
London, 17 July 2015
On Thursday 16 July the global equality community united as two equal rights activists Pragna Patel of UK women’s organisation Southall Black Sisters and Mauro Cabral of Global Action for Trans Equality were given the inaugural Bob Hepple Equality Award.
London, 3 July 2015
Equality and human rights advocates from around the world will celebrate equal rights on Thursday 16 July as former anti-apartheid lawyer, Professor Sir Bob Hepple QC, presents equal rights activists with the inaugural Bob Hepple Equality Award.
The Equal Rights Trust marks today, the UN International Day in Support of Victims of Torture, by calling for increased international attention on the prevalence of discriminatory torture and ill-treatment. The Trust works to document and raise awareness of the link between discrimination and torture as this intersection remains underexplored and the violations not adequately addressed.
London, 10 June 2015
On 23 May 2015, the Law for Health Care Relating to Control of Population Growth (The Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Law 28/2015), which allows authorities the power to implement "birth spacing", was signed by President Thein Sein. The Law is one of four pieces of legislation that together make up the “Protection of Race and Religion Laws”, a package of bills reported to have been driven by nationalist Buddhist monks with an anti-Muslim agenda. The law permits the government to control population growth in certain areas by limiting how often women may have children. It has been widely condemned both for violating women’s rights and for its potential to be used as a tool for ethnic and religious discrimination against communities like the Rohingya.