Media Advisory: Nairobi press conference - Wed 1 Oct

On Wednesday 1 October 2014, the Equal Rights Trust will hold an embargoed press conference in Nairobi, Kenya at 0830 hrs to launch its major new report In Search of Confluence – Addressing Discrimination and Inequality in Sudan, written in partnership with the Sudanese Organisation for Research and Development.

The report, which follows four years of field research and interviews, reveals the sheer scale of discrimination suffered by Sudanese people today under al-Bashir’s rule, on the grounds of religion or belief, race and ethnicity, political opinion, gender, disability and health. 

Among a number of new findings and insights, it is also the first and only external source to provide testimony from gays living underground in Sudan gathered by an independent international organisation.

The press conference will be held under a strict embargo, which is lifted at 0001 hrs Nairobi time Thursday 2 October 2014 (2200 hrs GMT Wednesday 1 October). 

The panel includes the Equal Rights Trust’s Executive Director Dimitrina Petrova and Sudanese human rights activists, including Amira Osman who in a high-profile case last year faced flogging for refusing to wear a Hijab. These spokespeople are available for pre-recorded interviews and live interviews in Nairobi and London. Individual testimonials from victims of human rights abuses accompanied in some cases by pictures are also available to the media.

Details of the press conference:

When: Wednesday 1 October 2014 at 08:30 (breakfast buffet served from 0800) local Nairobi time (with an embargo until Thursday 2 October 0001 hrs local Nairobi time, Wednesday 1 October 2200 hrs GMT)

Where: Hilton Nairobi, Mama Ngina Street, PO Box 30624 00100, Nairobi, Kenya

Who: Dimitrina Petrova, Executive Director, Equal Rights Trust; Amira Osman, Sudanese architect and human rights activist; and Faisal Elbagir, Sudanese journalist, human rights activist and fellow of the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism/Oxford University.

For interviews, case studies, pictures, or an embargoed copy of the report and press release, please contact:

Sarah Pickering, Head of Communications, Equal Rights Trust, Mobile: +44 (0) 7823 443 595,

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