Today we are launching the #NoCOVIDiscrimination Initiative to help equality defenders in their essential work to identify, document and challenge discriminatory responses to the COVID-19 pandemic.
First, we are offering free, online training. Our first training will be held in English on the 25 June (10.00-12.00 BST) and will cover:
- International standards on the rights to equality and non-discrimination
- Substantive elements of the right to non-discrimination
- Cases of discriminatory impacts of COVID-19 responses
- Documentation and advocacy techniques
We will be hosting training in other languages, including Spanish and Russian, and are committed to ensuring reasonable accommodation. If you have particular needs, specifically sign language interpretation, please let us know.
Second, we will provide legal, technical, and strategic support, and are seeking funding to help equality defenders respond to the discriminatory impacts of state responses to the pandemic.
To register for the webinar on 25 June, please click here. To submit a request for support or to find out more, email: