Advocacy Statements

CEDAW Calls on States to Uphold the Rights to Equality and Non-Discrimination for Asylum-Seeking, Refugee and Stateless Women

On 5 November 2014, the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women issued General Recommendation No. 32 on the gender-related dimensions of refugee status, asylum, nationality and statelessness of women. The Recommendation highlights the significant impact of gender discrimination on women and girls, recognising that it can create a cycle of statelessness and lead women to flee their own countries to seek asylum. 

CEDAW and CRC Call on States to End Harmful Practices Against Women and Girls

On 4 November 2014, the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) and the Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC) issued joint General Recommendation No. 31/General Comment No. 18 on harmful practices. This marks the first time that two expert United Nations committees have joined forces to set out a common interpretation of the obligations on states to end harmful practices. The Joint Recommendation/Comment comes as CEDAW marks its 35th anniversary and CRC its 25th.

Equal Rights Trust Urges President of the Gambia Not to Sign Homophobic Bill

London, 28 October 2014

The Equal Rights Trust has today written to the President of the Gambia, Yahya Jammeh, urging him not to sign the Criminal Code (Amendment) Bill 2014 which includes a provision criminalising “aggravated homosexuality” and punishing it with life imprisonment.
On 25 August 2014, the National Assembly of the Gambia passed the Criminal Code (Amendment) Bill which, inter alia, creates an offence of “aggravated homosexuality”, committed where a person engages in same-sex sexual activity and, for example, is a “serial offender” or has HIV. The offence is punishable by life imprisonment. 

Chinese Anti-Discrimination Activists Under Attack

Yesterday (13 July) the office of Zhengzhou Yirenping was raided by police for the second time in a month. The Chinese authorities first raided the premises on 17 June, seizing computers and interrogating staff about the organisation's work with human rights defenders.
The detention of public interest lawyer Chang Boyang on 28 May, shortly before the 25 anniversary of the Tiananmen massacre, appears to have been motivated solely by his work on behalf of individuals exposed to discrimination in China, including women, migrant workers, people living with HIV/AIDs or hepatitis B or C, and other vulnerable individuals. However, when the police first detained him it was on the grounds that he was suspected to be gathering to disturb the public order.

Ukraine Urged to Strengthen Equality Rights

London, 9 June 2014

On 23 May 2014, following the conclusion of its 52nd session, the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (the Committee) published its concluding observations on the implementation of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) by Ukraine. In its comments on Ukraine’s anti-discrimination record, the Committee echoed a number of the recommendations made in an ERT shadow report which focused on the need for Ukraine to reform its anti-discrimination legislation and take steps to combat discrimination against persons on the basis of their sexual orientation or gender identity.

New Recommendation on the Rights of Older People Provides Important Guidance to Council of Europe Member States

London, 6 March 2014

On 19 February 2014 the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe adopted Recommendation Cm/Rec(2014)2 with the purpose to promote, protect and ensure the full and equal enjoyment of all human rights and fundamental freedoms by older persons without any discrimination.

For Fifth Time, ERT Urges Ugandan President not to Sign Anti-Homosexuality Bill

London, 17 February 2014

The Equal Rights Trust (ERT) has today repeated, for the fifth time, its call to the President of Uganda, Yoweri Museveni, not to sign the Anti-Homosexuality Bill (the Bill) into law. On Friday 14 February, the President announced that he would sign the Bill, which makes same-sex sexual conduct punishable by up to fourteen years’ imprisonment and creates a number of new offences.

Homophobic Bill in Uganda is Unconstitutional and in Breach of International Law

London, 21 January 2014

Following its recent approval by the Parliament of Uganda, The Equal Rights Trust (ERT) has repeated its call to the President of Uganda, Yoweri Museveni, not to sign the Anti-Homosexuality Bill. After writing to the President during the Bill’s passage through Parliament criticising the legislation, ERT has again written to President Museveni, urging him to exercise his power under Article 91 of the Constitution of Uganda not to assent to the Bill. Recent reports have emerged that the President has indicated his intention not to do so, criticising the manner in which the Bill was passed.

On Eve of EU Eastern Partnership Summit, ERT Calls on Ukraine to Reform Equality Law

As the European Union and Ukraine meet to discuss their future relations, The Equal Rights Trust (ERT) is calling on the Ukrainian authorities to reform and amend the country’s equality legislation to bring it in line with international and European standards. ERT has also urged the European Union to maintain pressure for equality law reform, despite the suspension of negotiations for an Association Agreement. ERT has been actively involved in advocating reforms to equality legislation in Ukraine.
