Equal Rights Trust Reports

All of the following reports address discrimination and inequality in specific countries: 

Equality in Practice: Implementing Serbia's Equality Laws | Ravnopravnost u praksi PRIMENA ANTIDISKRIMINACIONIH ZAKONA U SRBIJI (2019)

Sifting the Grain: 6,000 Testimonies of Discrimination and Inequality from Yemen | (2019) غرْبَلة الحُبُوب: 6000 شهادة عن التمييز وعدم المساواة من اليمن

Egypt - A Past Still Present | (2018)  ماض ما زال حاضراً: تحدّي التمييز وعدم المساواة في مصر

Yemen - From Night to Darker Night | (2018) من د جى ليلٍ إلى أ دجى: معالجة التمييز وعدم المساواة في اليمن

Kazakhstan - In the Name of Unity | ВО ИМЯ ЕДИНСТВA (2016) 

Kyrgyzstan - Looking for Harmony | В ПОИСКЕ ГАРМОНИИ (2016)

Uzbekistan - After the Padishah ПОСЛЕ ПАДИШАХА (2016)

Moldova - From Words to Deeds | Moldova - De la Vorbe la Fapte (2016) 

Solomon Islands - Stand Up and Fight (2016) 

Ukraine - In the Crosscurrents (2015) 

Sudan - In Search of Confluence (2014) 

Belarus - Half an Hour to Spring (2013) 

Malaysia - Washing the Tigers (2012) 

Kenya - In the Spirit of Harambee (2012) 

Thematic Reports: 

Together for Equality: Why and How a Comprehensive Approach to Challenging Discrimination Works (2021)

Defying Exclusion: Stories and Insights on the Links Between Discrimination and Corruption (2021)

Executive Summary: Learning InEquality: Using Equality Law to Tackle Barriers to Primary Education for Out-Of-School Children (2017)

Learning InEquality: Using Equality Law to Tackle Barriers to Primary Education for Out-Of-School Children (2017)

Shouting Through the Walls: Discriminatory Torture and Ill-Treatment, Case Studies from Jordan (2017) | صرخات عبر الجدران: التعذيب وسـوء المعاملة القائمان على التمييز دراسات حالة من األردن

Justice or Complicity? LGBT Rights and the Russian Courts (2016) | Правосудие или осуждение? ПРАВА ЛГБТ В РОССИЙСКОЙ СУДЕБНОЙ ПРАКТИКЕ (2016)

My Children's Future: Ending Gender Discrimination in Nationality Laws (2015) 

Economic and Social Rights in the Courtroom: A Litigators Guide to Using Equality and Non-Discrimination Strategies to Advance Economic and Social Rights (2014) 

Equal Only in Name: The Human Rights of Stateless Rohingya in Malaysia (2014) 

Equal Only in Name: The Human Rights of Stateless Rohingya in Thailand (2014) 

Unravelling Anomaly: Detention, Discrimination and the Protection Needs of Stateless Persons (2010) 

Best Practice Guides and Toolkits

Best Practice Guide for Russian Lawyers: Practical Guide for lawyers advising victims of discrimination on the grounds of sex and gender, religion or belief, race and ethnicity, disability and sexual orientation and gender identity (2018) | Руководство по наилучшей практике для юристов Практическое руководство для юристов, которые предоставляют консультации жертвам дискриминации по признаку пола, религии или убеждений, расы и этнической принадлежности, инвалидности, сексуальной ориентации и гендерной идентичности (2018)

Best Practice Guide for Russian Lawyers: Practical Guide for lawyers advising victims of discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity (2017) | Руководство по наилучшей практике для юристов (2017)

Best Practice Guide for Russian Service Providers: service delivery for LGBT+ service users (2017) | Руководство по наилучшей практике для поставщиков услуг (2017)