Regional Instruments

ECRI General Policy Recommendation n° 6: Combating the Dissemination of Racist, Xenophobic and Antisemitic Materiel via the Internet

This recommendation calls on member states to combat the online circulation of racist material through the adoption of national legislation, international cooperation, awareness-raising activities particularly among young internet users and supporting self-regulatory measures taken by the internet industry.

ECRI General Policy Recommendation n°7 on National Legislation to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination

This recommendation calls on member states to combat racism through legislation by adopting specific legal provisions in the constitution, civil and criminal laws. Another proposal relates to the establishment of a specialised body charged with combating racial discrimination through monitoring executive and legislative action, providing support to victims of racism and participating in legal proceedings to challenge racism.

Communication From the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament: Towards a United Nations legally binding instrument to promote and protect the rights and dignity of persons with disabilities

This communication expresses the support of the European Commission "for a United Nations (UN) legally binding instrument to protect and promote the rights and dignity of persons with disability". It notes that respect for equality and non-discrimination should be a cornerstone of such an instrument and goes on to observe that the focus on equality is fully in line with the EU's rights-based approach to disability.

OSCE Permanent Council Decision on Combating Antisemitism

This document calls on member states to ensure that their legal system is free from antisemitic harassment, encourage education about antisemitism and promote remembrance and education about the holocaust, to collect and maintain statistical records on hate crimes motivated by antisemitism and so on. It calls on ODIHR to, inter alia, collect and disseminate best practices on preventing and responding to anti-Semitism.

OSCE Permanent Council Decision on Combating Prejudice

This document calls on member states to enact or strengthen laws that penalise discrimination and incitement to hatred based on "race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status", consider establishing training programmes for police and judicial officials on hate crimes, collect statistics on hate crimes and report them to the ODIHR, promote intercultural dialogue between different groups and so on.

European Convention on Nationality

This convention lays down rules and principles relating to the nationality of natural persons. Article 5 of the Convention prohibits discrimination on the ground of sex, religion, race, colour, national or ethnic origin in the rules governing nationality. It also prohibits discrimination between people who have acquired nationality upon birth and those whose have acquired nationality subsequently.
