Regional Instruments

Inter-American Convention against Racism, Racial Discrimination and Related Forms of Intolerance

This is the text of the Inter-American Convention against Racism, Racial Discrimination and Related Forms of Intolerance, adopted on 6 June 2013. It seeks to eliminate racism, racial discrimination and related forms of intolerance. Other grounds of discrimination are covered by the Inter-American Convention Against All Forms of Discrimination and Intolerance.

Inter-American Convention Against All Forms Of Discrimination And Intolerance

This is the text of the Inter-American Convention Against All Forms of Discrimination and Intolerance, adopted on 6 June 2013. It addresses discrimination and intolerance on all grounds excluding race, which is protected under the Inter-American Convention Against Racism, Racial Discrimination and Related Forms of Intolerance.

OSCE Action Plan on Gender Equality, 2004

The Ministerial Council of the OSCE in Sofia adopted the 2004 action plan in 2004. It lays out a framework for action within OSCE institutions and by member states for promotion of gender equality. Gender mainstreaming in organisational practices and recruitment to OSCE, ratification of key international treaties on gender related issues by member states, preventing violence against women, promoting their participation in public and political life and increasing women's access to the economic sphere are some of the key elements of this action plan.

OSCE Permanent Council Decision on Tolerance and Media Freedom on the Internet

This Permanent Council decision calls on member states to prosecute violence and threats of violence motivated by racism and similar forms of prejudice on the internet. It notes that the OSCE representative on Freedom of the Media will monitor the situation in this respect in member states particularly through a system of early warning mechanisms when laws or other measures prohibiting speech motivated by prejudice are enforced on a selective basis.

EU Directive 92/85/EEC (Safety of pregnant workers)

Under Article 4 of this directive, employers are expected to carry out an assessment of the nature, degree and duration of exposure to agents, processes or working conditions in activities where there is a risk of exposure to them. The European Commission is charged with drawing up guidelines for the assessment in consultation with the member states. Under Article 6, pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers should not be obliged to perform work which risks exposure to agents listed in Annex II, Section A and Annex II, Section B respectively of the Directive.
