Policy Documents
ERT Submission to Latvia on Amendments to the State Pensions Act
On 30 September 2009, The Equal Rights Trust (ERT) submitted an expert opinion on the proposed amendments to the State Pensions Act to Latvia’s Saeima (Parliament). The amendments in question are a response to the European Court of Human Rights judgment in the case of Andrejeva v. Latvia (application no. 55707/00, judgment of 18 February 2009).
ERT Submission to Moldova on Law Preventing and Combating Discrimination
On 10 July 2009, The Equal Rights Trust (ERT) submitted written comments to Vitalie Pârlog, Minister of Justice of the Republic of Moldova on the Draft Law on Preventing and Combating Discrimination. The Draft Law aims to ensure the enjoyment of all persons’ in the territory of Moldova to equal rights and equal treatment in political, economic, social and other spheres of life.
ERT Multiple Discrimination Consultation Reponse
This is ERT's consultation response to to the United Kingdom Government Equalities Office consultation on the paper "Equality Bill: Assessing the impact of a multiple discrimination provision."
ERT Memorandum to the Committee on the Equality Bill
This is the memorandum submitted by The Equal Rights Trust to the Public Bill Committee for the British Equality Bill 2009.
OSCE Action Plan on Improving the Situation of Roma and Sinti, 2004.Decision No. 566 Action Plan on Improving the Situation Of Roma and Sinti within the OSCE Area
This action plan was adopted by the Permanent Council in 2003. The goal of this action plan is to ensure that Roma and Sinti play a "full and equal part" in societies in which they live and to eradicate discrimination against them. The key guiding principle for the action plan is Romani participation in policy making and implementation. It also stresses the importance of mainstreaming Romani women's issues in all the activities.
The ODIHR Contact Point for Sinti and Roma Issues: An Overview
This publication provides an overview of the activities of the Contact Point for Roma and Sinti Issues (CPRSI), which is part of the OSCE's Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights.
The Business Case for Diversity
The executive summary notes that "an increasing number of European companies are adopting diversity and equality strategies, not only for ethical and legal reasons but also for the business benefits they are expected to deliver." The report examines the key challenges in implementing diversity promotion and also discusses the perceived benefits of diversity. Also included are some good practice examples that have been adopted by companies in different sectors.
Protecting LGBT People Seeking Asylum: Guidelines on the Refugee Status Directive
This paper was published by ILGA-Europe to help identify which provisions of the Refugee Status Directive (Directive 2004/83/EC) are relevant to third-country LGBT nationals seeking asylum in the European Union. The paper first provides background and key points of the Directive, defining the terms “refugee” and “subsidiary protection,” and identifies the rights that people under these statuses are entitled to.
European Commission. Equality and Non-Discrimination in an enlarged EU, Green Paper
This Green Paper on "Equality and non-discrimination in an enlarged EU", adopted by the European Commission on 26 May, outlines the steps that the EU has already taken to ban discrimination in employment and beyond. It identifies areas where further action is required to ensure that people across the enlarged EU can benefit from these new rights, as well as a range of practical measures that could support the efforts of national authorities, civil society and other stakeholders.