Advocacy Statements

ERT letter to President Barroso urging a unified approach to non-discrimination legislation

On 30th April 2008 The Equal Rights Trust (ERT) wrote to Jose Manuel Barroso, the President of the European Commission, regarding the Commission’s plan to draft a non-discrimination directive on the basis of Article 13 of the Amsterdam Treaty.

In a detailed advocacy letter, ERT set out its concerns and made a number of recommendations in relation to the Commission’s legislative proposals.

Letter to Slovenian Prime Minister

On 8 November 2007 The Equal Rights Trust call on Janez Janša, the Slovenian Prime Minister, to recall the Draft Constitutional Law, presented to the Parliament on 30 October, which is intended to resolve the status of the “erased” – people unlawfully removed from the registry of permanent residents in 1992. ERT urged the Slovenian government to introduce instead legislation that is in line with international human rights law and the relevant decisions of the Slovenian Constitutional Court.
