
Asma Taha, daughter of the religious reformer Alustadh Mahmoud Mohammed Taha executed in 1985, campaigns against religious discrimination in Sudan. January 2014, KhartoumOur work in Sudan involves supporting two different groups – civil society and the media – to combat discrimination and hate speech.
Our achievements include:
  • Publishing In Search of Confluence: Addressing Discrimination and Inequality in Sudan – the first ever comprehensive report on discrimination and inequality in Sudan, which includes testimony from more than 250 people from across the country; 
  • Subjecting Sudan to scrutiny over its record on discrimination in the international media and through the UN treaty bodies and the Universal Periodic Review process;
  • Helping the Journalists for Human Rights (JHR) network to expand from an informal group of a dozen activists to a network of more than 170 journalists championing equal enjoyment of freedom of expression and campaigning to end hate speech;
  • Training over 150 journalists to identify, document and report on discrimination and hate speech;
  • Building understanding between journalists from Sudan and South Sudan, with the result that almost 230 journalists from the two countries have endorsed a common statement setting out their commitment to combating hate speech and promoting equality.


News on Sudan

Today is International Day against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia, which has established itself as the single most important date for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) persons to unite globally and is aimed at decision makers, the media and public to promote LGBTI rights. In the spirit of unity and promoting these rights, we’ve put together some snapshots of our relevant work.

Since 2010, the Equal Rights Trust has supported Journalists for Human Rights (JHR) Network, the only platform of its kind which provides an essential means for journalists to report safely and effectively on hate speech, discrimination and violations of freedom of expression in Sudan and South Sudan. During this time, the Trust has helped the network to develop from an informal group of a few like-minded journalists in Sudan to a network of more than 300 members, friends and associates working in both countries.

Nairobi, 1 October 2014

A major new report revealing the scale of discrimination in Sudan was released today by the Equal Rights Trust in partnership with the Sudanese Organisation for Research and Development (SORD).

On Wednesday 1 October 2014, the Equal Rights Trust will hold an embargoed press conference in Nairobi, Kenya at 0830 hrs to launch its major new report In Search of Confluence – Addressing Discrimination and Inequality in Sudan, written in partnership with the Sudanese Organisation for Research and Development.

The Equal Rights Trust (ERT) has called on the Parliament of Sudan to repeal Article 152 of the 1991 Criminal Act because it breaches the country’s human rights obligations.