UNCCPR General Comment No. 27: Freedom of movement (Art.12)

Tuesday, 2 November, 1999

The Comment discusses freedom of movement, which it considers to be a basic human right. It also requires States Parties to immediately remove any restrictions that impede this right. The Comment makes clear that the right of a woman to move freely and choose her residence cannot be dependent on national law, common practice, or the decision of a relative. Indeed, it states, the practice of some countries which requires women to have a male escort when leaving the country is contrary to Article 12 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. This Article, which applies to citizens, legal aliens, and residents, also covers the right to leave a country (including the right to obtain the necessary travel documents) and the right of a person to enter his or her country of citizenship, which cannot be deprived arbitrarily. The Comment also discusses relevant limitations on this right.

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