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Declaration of Principles on Equality Page 1You can order the book "Declaration of Principles on Equality" published by The Equal Rights Trust in October 2008 and containing the Declaration itself, the list of the original 128 individual signatories, and a legal commentary to the principles by The Equal Rights Trust Executive Director Dimitrina Petrova. 

To receive copies of the Declaration of Principles on Equality, please send to info@equalrightstrust.org your postal address, the number of copies you require, and receipt for donation made to ERT. To cover the costs of printing and posting the Declaration to you, we ask for £12 per copy, but would welcome higher donations.

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If you prefer another method of payment, please send relevant evidence of donation made by email to the address above or by post to:

The Equal Rights Trust,
314 - 320 Gray's Inn Road,
London WC1X 8DP