This directive amends Council Directive 76/207/EEC, introducing definitions for direct and indirect discrimination, harassment and sexual harassment, all of which are prohibited. It also specifies that instructions to discriminate amount to discrimination under the Directive. The Directive provides that "a woman on maternity leave shall be entitled, after the end of her period of maternity leave, to return to her job or to an equivalent post on terms and conditions which are no less favourable to her and to benefit from any improvement in working conditions to which she would be entitled." It also introduces Article 8a into Council Directive 76/207/EEC, which calls for the setting up of a national level body in member countries which will be charged with "promotion, analysis, monitoring and support of equal treatment of all persons without discrimination on the grounds of sex."
EU Directive 2002/73/EC (Equal treatment in access to employment)
Monday, 23 September, 2002
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