This is the ERT case summary of the United Kingdom, Employment Appeal Tribunal decision in the case of British Gas Trading Limited v. Scott (Appeal No. UKEAT/0322/07/RN).
Advanced library search
This is the ERT case summary of the United Kingdom, House of Lords decision in the case of Hallam and another v. Cheltenham Borough Council and others (Case No. [2001] UKHL 15).
This is the ERT case summary of the United Kingdom, Court of Appeal decision in the case of Miles v. Gilbank (Case No: A2/2005/2196).
This is the ERT case Summary of the United Kingdom, Employment Appeal Tribunal decision in the case of Port v. The Royal Mail and Others (Appeal No: EAT/45/99).
This is the ERT case summary of the United Kingdom High Court decision in the case of T (on the application of) v. Independent Appeal Panel for Devon County Council [2007] EWHC 763 (Admin).
This is the ERT case summary of the Constitutional Court of Korea decision in the case of Act on the Immigration and Legal Status of Overseas Koreans Case (13-2 KCCR 714, 99Hun-Ma494).
This is the ERT case summary of the Irish Equality Tribunal decision in the case of Ms Irene Feore v. Alzheimer Society of Ireland (DEC-E2006-010).
This is the ERT case summary of the Irish Equality Tribunal decision in the case of O’Conghaile v. Mercy Mean Scoil Mhuire (DEC-E2007- 068).
This is the ERT case summary of the Irish Equality Tribunal decision in the case of Stokes v. Irish Soccer Referees Society (DEC-E2007-003).
This is the ERT case summary of the Supreme Court of Japan decision in the case of Case to seek rescission of the ruling of non-payment of disability basic pension (2005 (Gyo-Tsu) No. 246).
This is the ERT case summary of the Supreme Court of Japan decision in the case of the Decision on the share in the inheritance of an illegitimate child (1991(Ku) No.143).
This is the ERT case summary of the Supreme Court of Japan decision in the Case to seek declaration of eligibility to become a candidate for an examination for selecting management level employees (1998 (Gyo-Tsu) No. 93).
This is the ERT case summary of the Supreme Court of Japan decision in the Case to seek declaration of status (2004 (Ju) No. 1968).
This is the ERT case summary of the Supreme Court of Japan decision in the Case to seek for nullification of election (2003 (Gyo-Tsu) No. 24).
This is the ERT case summary of the Constitutional Court of Korea decision in the Use of Paternal Family Name Case (17-2 KCCR 544, 2003Hun-Ka56).
Principle test
This is a legal commentary by Dr. Dimitrina Petrova on the Declaration of Principles on Equality. It provides an account of the development of the Declaration and an overview of how a number of the Principles were formulated.
Russian Translation of the Declaration of Principles on Equality. The Declaration seeks to broaden the consensus, generate interest and debate and thus contribute to reaffirming and developing the right to equality. The principles formulated and agreed by the...
This is the Editorial of the second issue of The Equal Rights Review.
This is an article written by Paola Uccellari which appears in Volume Two of The Equal Rights Review.
This is an article written by Shanon Shah which appears in Volume Two of The Equal Rights Review.
This is an article written by P. Imrana Jalal which appears in Volume Two of The Equal Rights Review.
Violence, Extreme Poverty and Inequality: the Voices of Civilians Trapped in Conflict in Northern Sri Lanka records the experiences of six civilians trapped between the parties to the ongoing conflict in northern Sri Lanka.
The Interview - Promoting a Paradigm Shift appears in volume two of the Equal Rights Review.
Ivan Fiser, ERT Advocacy and Research Director, sets out ERT's advocacy work from May 2008 to December 2008 in The Equal Rights Review Volume Two.
This is an update on current ERT projects that appears in Volume Two of The Equal Rights Review.
This is the work itinerary for ERT which appears in Volume Two of The Equal Rights Review.
The Declaration of principles on Equality: A New Covenant for the 21st Century appears as a special article in Volume Two of The Equal Rights Review.