This is the full text (in French only) of the Law creating a Centre for Equal Opportunity and the Fight against Racism (Loi créant un Centre pour l'égalité des chances et la lutte contre le racism), enacted by Belgium. It was adopted on 15 February 1993...
Advanced library search
This is the full text of the Preamble to the Constitution of 1946 enacted by France. It was adopted on and has been in force since 27 October 1946.
This is the full text of Art. 203 of the Romanian Criminal Code, enacted by the Parliament on 21 July 1968, and last revised on 25 March 2008 (by Law 58/2008). The article has been in force in its current form since 28 March 2008.
This is the full text (in Romanian only) of the Decision nr. 1.194 of 27 November 2001 regarding the Organization and Mission of the National Council for Combating Discrimination, enacted by the Government on 27 November 2001. The Decision has been in force...
This is the full text (in Romanian only) of the “Law nr. 189 of 2000 regarding the approval of Ordinance nr. 105/1999 for the modification and amendment of Decree nr. 118/1990 regarding the granting of certain rights to persons who have been subject to...
This is the full text (in Romanian only) of Law 202/2002 for Equality of Opportunities between Women and Men, enacted by the Parliament on 8 May 2002. The law has been in force since 7 June 2002.
This is the full text (in Romanian only) of Law 272 of 21 June 2004 for the Protection and Promotion of the Rights of Children enacted by the Parliament. It was adopted on 23 June 2004 and it has been in force since 1 January 2005, except the provision of Art....
This is the full text (in Romanian only) of the Law nr. 33 of 29 April 1995 for the incorporation of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities (FCNM) enacted by the Parliament on 29 April 1995. The law has been in force since 2 May...
This is the full text (in Romanian only) of the republished version of Law 448/2006, with regard to the protection and promotion of persons with disabilities, enacted by the Parliament on 03 January 2008. It has been in force since 06 January 2008.
This is the full text (in Romanian only) of “Ordinance nr. 102 of 2000 regarding the status and regime of refugees in Romania” enacted by the Government on 3 September 2000. It has been in force since 6 September 2000.
This is the full text of Paragraph 2, Article 4 of the Romanian Constitution (regarding the “Unity of the peoples and equality among citizens”) enacted by the Constituent Assembly on 21 November 1991, and approved by a national referendum on 8 December 1991....
This is the memorandum submitted by The Equal Rights Trust to the Public Bill Committee for the British Equality Bill 2009.
This is ERT's consultation response to to the United Kingdom Government Equalities Office consultation on the paper "Equality Bill: Assessing the impact of a multiple discrimination provision."
This is the ERT case summary of the European Court of Human Rights' judgement in the case of Opuz v. Turkey
This is the ERT case summary of the High Court of Delhi, India decision in Naz Foundation v Government of NCT of Delhi and Others, WP(C) No.7455/2001.
This is the ERT Case Summary of the UK Employment Appeals Tribunal decision in McAvoy and others v Borough Council, 24 June 2009
The Equal Rights Review, Volume Three
This is the Editorial of volume three of the Equal Rights Review.
This is the article Advancing EU Anti-Discrimination Law: the European Commission's 2008 Proposal for a New Directive which was published in volume three of The Equal Rights Review.
This is an article by Anna Sevortian which was published in volume three of The Equal Rights Review.
This is an article by Daniela Ikawa which was published in volume three of The Equal Rights Review.
This is the introduction to the Special section on statelessness which is published in volume three of The Equal Rights Review.
This is an article by Katherine Perks and Amal de Chickera entitled The Silent Stateless and the Unhearing World: Can Equality Compel Us to Listen? It was published in volume three of The Equal Rights Review.
This is the testimony of a stateless child in detention in Egypt. It was published in volume three of The Equal Rights Review.
This is an article by David C. Baluarte entitled Detention at Guantanamo Bay and the Creation of a New Brand of Statelessness. It was published in volume three of The Equal rights Review.
This is the testimony from a man with mental disabilities in Nigeria. It was published in volume three of The Equal Rights Review.
this is an interview article with Sandra Fredman and Margarita Ilieva entitled Combating Poverty through Equality Law - Possibilities and Pitfalls. It is published in volume three of The Equal Rights Review.
This The Equal Rights Trust Advocacy section of volume three of The Equal Rights Review written by Jarlath Clifford.
This is the update on current projects which is published in volume three of The Equal Rights Review.
This is the ERT work itinerary which appears in volume three of The Eqial Rights Review.