This is the case summary of the European Court of Human Rights case of L. and V. v. Austria (Applications nos. 39392/98 and 39829/98).
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This is the case summary of the European Court of Human Rights case of Beck, Copp and Bazeley v. United Kingdom (Applications nos. 48535/99; 48536/99; 48537/99).
This is the case summary of the European Court of Human Rights case of Baczkowski and Others v. Poland (Application No. 1543/06).
This is the case summary of the European Court of Human Rights case of A.D.T. v. United Kingdom (Application no. 35765/97).
This study is divided into three parts. Part I deals with age and the framework equality directive, Part II discusses direct and indirect discrimination and Part III addresses limitation and derogations. The author observes that, "[t]here are no fixed...
This paper was published by ILGA-Europe to help identify which provisions of the Refugee Status Directive (Directive 2004/83/EC) are relevant to third-country LGBT nationals seeking asylum in the European Union. The paper first provides background and key...
The executive summary notes that "an increasing number of European companies are adopting diversity and equality strategies, not only for ethical and legal reasons but also for the business benefits they are expected to deliver." The report examines...
This report examines the situation of Roma in Europe, focusing on their access to education, employment, health, social welfare benefits and housing. The report also addresses the particular disadvantages experienced by Romani women and the traveller community...
The Comment calls attention to and clarifies the rights of children, noting that they are granted special protections that go beyond those granted to adults. Children are protected from discrimination on grounds such as race, colour, sex, language, religion,...
This is a compilation of the documents related to the 2001 World Conference against Racism that was held in Durban, South Africa. It includes the Declaration, Programme of Action and Resolutions adopted by the conference as well as the report of the...
Article 10 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which guarantees humane treatment of persons deprived of liberty, applies to everyone without any distinction or discrimination based on race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or...
This publication provides an overview of the activities of the Contact Point for Roma and Sinti Issues (CPRSI), which is part of the OSCE's Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights. It notes that the CPRSI addresses the marginalisation of the...
This document calls on member states to enact or strengthen laws that penalise discrimination and incitement to hatred based on "race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status...
This document calls on member states to ensure that their legal system is free from antisemitic harassment, encourage education about antisemitism and promote remembrance and education about the holocaust, to collect and maintain statistical records on hate...
This 1996 publication is a collection of instruments adopted by the UN system, including ILO and UNESCO towards furthering the goal of the elimination of all forms of discrimination. Race, gender and disability are the three grounds covered by the instruments...
This action plan was adopted by the Permanent Council in 2003. The goal of this action plan is to ensure that Roma and Sinti play a "full and equal part" in societies in which they live and to eradicate discrimination against them. The key guiding...
This paper examines the options open to the EU in preparing new legislation in this field. Drawing on the experience of sexual equality legislation at both the European and national level, the paper examines both the strengths and weaknesses of the existing...
This recommendation calls on member states to give high priority to combating antisemitism through effective use of criminal laws, introduction of anti-racist education and Jewish history in the school curriculum and encouraging debate among media professionals...
This communication expresses the support of the European Commission "for a United Nations (UN) legally binding instrument to protect and promote the rights and dignity of persons with disability". It notes that respect for equality and non-...
This recommendation calls on member states to combat racism through legislation by adopting specific legal provisions in the constitution, civil and criminal laws. Another proposal relates to the establishment of a specialised body charged with combating racial...
This recommendation calls on member states to combat the online circulation of racist material through the adoption of national legislation, international cooperation, awareness-raising activities particularly among young internet users and supporting self-...
This paper reveals that the literacy rate of the Deaf is far below that of the average population – an issue that needs to be addressed. Stating that Deaf children have the same intellectual and social abilities as other children, WFD encourages governments to...
This recommendation calls on governments to undertake national surveys on how people belonging to marginalised communities perceive discrimination in their lives so as to gain an understanding of the problems of racism and intolerance from the perspective of...
This recommendation calls on member states to effectively deal with racism against the Romani minority through legislative and policy measures. These include measures directed towards combating the prejudices of public service and media personnel. The...
This recommendation calls on states to establish specialised bodies to combat racism and related forms of prejudice. The appendix to the Recommendation has sections on the terms of reference, functions and style of operation of these bodies.
This recommendation calls on states to adopt legislative, policy and judicial measures against racism and related prejudices. Measures include defining offences with a racist overtone as specific offences, collecting and publishing data on racist incidents,...
The Comment discusses the equal enjoyment of civil and political rights by women and men as guaranteed by Article 3 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. The Covenant prohibits gender-based discrimination and requires that States Parties...
This recommendation calls on member states to ensure that anti-terrorism measures are adopted and implemented in a manner that is non-discriminatory. In particular, it proposes that the "right not to be subject to racial discrimination" should be...
This recommendation calls upon states to combat racism in sport through legislation, education and institutional measures.
The Comment discusses Article 23 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, under which the family, as a fundamental unit of society, must be protected by the State and by society and, moreover, shielded from the unlawful interference of the...