This is the PILI case summary of the United Nations Human Rights Committee decision Brinkhof v. Netherlands (Communication No 402/1990: Netherlands. 30/07/93.CCPR/C/48/D/402/1990).
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This is the PILI case summary of the United Nations Human Rights Committe decision Arenz v. Germany (Communication No. 1138/2002: Germany. 29/04/2004. CCPR/C/80/D/1138/2002).
Article 1 of this Convention defines discrimination in education to include acts or omissions that have the purpose or effect of nullifying or impairing equality of treatment in education, in particular, (a) the effect of depriving any person or group of...
This declaration guarantees that disabled persons are entitled to respect for their dignity and that they have civil and political rights as well as rights to economic and social security. Discriminating against disabled people on grounds or situations that...
The Optional Protocol sets up a mechanism by which individuals can file complaints with the Human Rights Committee against states (which have ratified the optional protocol) for non-compliance with the provisions of the International Covenant on Civil and...
Protocol 12 extends the guarantee of non-discrimination in Article 14 of the European Convention of Human Rights (which is limited to the rights provided for in the Convention) to "any right set forth by law."
The European Social Charter of 1961 guarantees several social and economic rights and was intended to complement the European Convention on Human Rights. It does not have a specific provision on equal treatment or non-discrimination, however the Preamble says...
This protocol provides for a collective complaint mechanism under which certain kinds of organizations specified in Article 1 or national organizations specified in Article 2 of this additional protocol can file complaints against state parties to the protocol...
This declaration guarantees rights respecting the dignity of the mentally disabled, including the right not to be exploited and abused, the right to economic security, the right to a decent standard of living and the right to proper medical care and therapy. It...
These principles lay down provisions to promote the rights of mentally disabled persons in health care. There are specific provisions on informed consent, confidentiality, standard of care and treatment and the rights available to inmates of mental disability...
Article 2 of the EC Treaty provides that promotion of equality between men and women is a task of the European Community. Under Article 3(2), the Community should aim to eliminate inequalities and promote equality between men and women. EU legislation on equal...
These rules cover areas such as medical care, rehabilitation, support services and education and are aimed to promote the integration of disabled people in society. The Rules also emphasize the duties of the state regarding preconditions for equal participation...
Among the major outcomes of the Decade of Disabled Persons was the adoption by the United Nations General Assembly of the Standard Rules in 1993. Although not a legally binding instrument, the Standard Rules represent a strong moral and political commitment by...
This instrument is a major outcome of the International Year of Disabled Persons (1981). One of its key themes is the promotion of full participation of disabled people in society. The document addresses disability prevention, rehabilitation and equalization of...
Corrigendum to Council Directive 96/97/EC of 20 December 1996 amending Directive 86/378/EEC on the implementation of the principle of equal treatment for men and women in occupational social security schemes.
Council Directive 97/75/EC of 15 December 1997 amending and extending, to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Directive 96/34/EC on the framework agreement on parental leave concluded by UNICE, CEEP and the ETUC.
This declaration requires states to protect the existence and identities of minorities. It also calls upon states to encourage the promotion of national or ethnic, cultural, religious and linguistic identities. Under Article 2(1) of this declaration, minorities...
The objective of this treaty is to promote multilingualism and thereby greater unity and social cohesion in states that are party to the treaty. Article 7(2) of the Convention requires state parties "to eliminate...any unjustified distinction, exclusion,...
This declaration guarantees the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion. The prohibition of discrimination includes not only that by the state but also by any "institution, group of persons, or person." states are bound to take measures...
This declaration guarantees aliens living in the territory of a state several civil and political rights and the right to decent conditions at the workplace. Article 7 prohibits the individual or collective expulsion of aliens on the grounds of colour, culture...
This convention lays down rules and principles relating to the nationality of natural persons. Article 5 of the Convention prohibits discrimination on the ground of sex, religion, race, colour, national or ethnic origin in the rules governing nationality. It...
Article 1(1) defines discrimination to include "(a) any distinction, exclusion or preference made on the basis of race, colour, sex, religion, political opinion, national extraction or social origin, which has the effect of nullifying or impairing equality...
This paper discusses the importance of the EU Directive on Free Movement (Directive 2004/58/EC) within the context of same-sex families in the European Union. The paper conveys key points of the document and pays particular attention to Articles 2 and 3 of the...
This is the case summary of the European Court of Human Rights case of Supreme Holy Council of the Muslim Community v. Bulgaria (Application No. 39023/97).
This is the case summary of the European Court of Human Rights case of Waite v. United Kingdom (Application no.53236/99).
This is the case summary of the European Court of Human Rights case of Salgueiro Da Silva Mouta v. Portugal (Application no. 33290/96).
This is the case summary of the European Court of Human Rights case of S. L. v. Austria (Application no. 45330/99).
This is the case summary of the European Court of Human Rights case of Perkins and R. v. United Kingdom (Applications nos. 43208/98; 44875/98).
This is the case summary of the European Court of Human Rights case of Norris v. Ireland (Application No. 10581/83).
This is the case summary of the European Court of Human Rights case of Modinos v. Cyprus (Application No. 15070/89).