Summary from the judgment: Constitutional law – right to education in terms of s 29(1)(a) of the Constitution – content of right discussed – Department of Basic Education adopting clear national policy that each learner must be provided with a textbook for each...
Country: South Africa
Document type: Case Law
Topic: Equality and Socio-Economic Rights
Document date: 02 Dec 2015
Source: Supreme Court of Appeal of South Africa
Case Summary: Minister of Basic Education v Basic Education for All
Country: South Africa
Document type: Case Law
Topic: Equality and Socio-Economic Rights
Document date: 02 Dec 2015
Source: Equal Rights Trust
Abstract from the article: What are the effects of judicial action and policy implementation on attitude change? The previous literature indicates that attitudes may change, but there is some debate about its direction...In 2013, the U.S. Supreme Court made...
Country: USA
Document type: Articles and Commentary
Topic: Sexual Orientation
Document date: 01 Dec 2015
Source: The Williams Institute
Equal Rights Trust letter to Oldham Council regarding equality in access to council services for Roma communities. The letter shares findings of consultation meetings which were undertaken with members of the migrant Roma community in consultation meetings held...
Country: United Kingdom
Document type: Advocacy Statements
Topic: Race and Ethnicity
Document date: 30 Nov 2015
Source: Equal Rights Trust
Equal Rights Trust letter to NHS Rotherham Clinical Commissioning Group on ensuring equality access to healthcare for migrant Roma communities. The letter focuses on sharing findings of consultation meetings which have been undertaken with members of the...
Country: United Kingdom
Document type: Advocacy Statements
Topic: Race and Ethnicity
Document date: 30 Nov 2015
Source: Equal Rights Trust
Equal Rights Trust letter to Rotherham Chantry House Jobcentre Plus on ensuring equality in access to Jobcentre Plus services. The letter shares findings of consultation meetings which were undertaken with members of the migrant Roma community in the Rotherham...
Country: United Kingdom
Document type: Advocacy Statements
Topic: Race and Ethnicity
Document date: 30 Nov 2015
Source: Equal Rights Trust
Equal Rights Trust letter to the Rt Hon Jeremy Hunt MP, Secretary of State for Health (in 2015) on ensuring equality in access to healthcare for migrant Roma communities. The letter shares the findings of consultation meetings which were undertaken with members...
Country: United Kingdom
Document type: Advocacy Statements
Topic: Race and Ethnicity
Document date: 30 Nov 2015
Source: Equal Rights Trust
Equal Rights Trust letter to the Department of Housing sharing findings of consultation meetings which we have undertaken with members of the migrant Roma community in consultation meetings held in Stratford, east London, and to make recommendations for how the...
Country: United Kingdom
Document type: Advocacy Statements
Topic: Race and Ethnicity
Document date: 30 Nov 2015
Source: Equal Rights Trust
Equal Rights Trust letter to the NHS Newham Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) on ensuring equality in access to healthcare for migrant Roma communities. The letter focuses on sharing the findings of consultation meetings which the Trust undertook with members...
Country: United Kingdom
Document type: Advocacy Statements
Topic: Race and Ethnicity
Document date: 30 Nov 2015
Source: Equal Rights Trust
Letter from the Equal Rights Trust to Derbyshire County Council focused on ensuring equality in access to council services for Roma communities. The letter shares findings of consultation meetings which were undertaken with members of the migrant Roma community...
Country: United Kingdom
Document type: Advocacy Statements
Topic: Race and Ethnicity
Document date: 30 Nov 2015
Source: Equal Rights Trust
Equal Rights Trust letter to Oldham Clinical Commissioning Group on ensuring equality in access to healthcare for migrant Roma communities. The letter focuses on sharing with you the findings of consultation meetings which we have undertaken with members of the...
Country: United Kingdom
Document type: Advocacy Statements
Topic: Race and Ethnicity
Document date: 30 Nov 2015
Source: Equal Rights Trust
Equal Rights Trust letter to the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government Department for Communities and Local Government focused on ensuring equality in access to housing for migrant Roma communities. The letter shares findings of consultation...
Country: United Kingdom
Document type: Advocacy Statements
Topic: Race and Ethnicity
Document date: 30 Nov 2015
Source: Equal Rights Trust
Extract from the report: A woman is raped and blamed for her assault. A wife is relentlessly beaten at home and told to bear it. A gay man is attacked and is more likely to be prosecuted than his attacker. A sex worker working illegally is abused and blackmailed...
Country: Tunisia
Document type: Reports
Topic: Sex
Document date: 25 Nov 2015
Source: Amnesty International
Extract from the report: The framework contained in this document draws together contemporary knowledge and practice in violence prevention. Its focus is on addressing the root causes as well as risk and protective factors (...) associated with Violence Against...
Document type: Reports
Topic: Sex
Document date: 24 Nov 2015
Source: UN Women
Extract from the report: A 2013 constitutional court judgment (Judgment 168-13) has made statelessness a matter of law for several generations of dominicans of foreign descent (...)The law does not provide for dominican nationality to be automatically restored...
Country: Dominican Republic
Document type: Reports
Topic: Race and Ethnicity
Document date: 19 Nov 2015
Source: Amnesty International
Extract from the report: Since April 2015, Burundi has been descending into chaos, forcing more than 200,000 civilians to flee to neighboring countries. But these well-documented refugee flows are only part of a larger, more disturbing story. The impunity and...
Country: Burundi
Document type: Reports
Topic: Other Status
Document date: 18 Nov 2015
Source: Refugees International
Extract from the report: It’s been six months since as many as 1,000 Rohingya fleeing from Myanmar died in the Andaman Sea. And still, neighboring nations remain resistant to recognizing the Rohingya people’s rights as refugees. Even after neighboring governments...
Country: Myanmar
Document type: Reports
Topic: Race and Ethnicity
Document date: 17 Nov 2015
Source: Refugees International
Address from the President of Madagascar's National Assembly concerning the reform of Madagascar's Nationality Law which discriminates against women in the ability to transfer citizenship onto their children. The address was given during an Assembly session...
Country: Madagascar
Topic: Sex
Document date: 03 Nov 2015
Source: Malagasy National Assembly
Summary taken from the report:
Stateless children are born into a world in which they will face a lifetime of discrimination; their status profoundly affects their ability to learn and grow, and to fulfil...
Document type: Reports
Topic: Race and Ethnicity
Document date: 01 Nov 2015
Source: UN High Commissioner for Refugees
Extract from the handbook:This handbook on European law relating to the rights of the child is jointly prepared by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) and the Council of Europe together with the Registry of the European Court of Human Rights. It...
Document type: Educational Materials
Topic: Age
Document date: 01 Nov 2015
Source: European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights
Extract from the authors: People and their talents are among the core drivers of sustainable, long-term economic growth. If half of these talents are underdeveloped or underutilised, growth and sustainability will be compromised. Moreover, there is a compelling...
Document type: Reports
Topic: Discrimination Grounds
Document date: 01 Nov 2015
Source: World Economic Forum
Country: Cyprus
Document type: Case Law
Topic: Other Status
Document date: 27 Oct 2015
Source: Equal Rights Trust
Country: Cyprus
Document type: Case Law
Topic: Other Status
Document date: 27 Oct 2015
Source: European Court of Human Rights
Extract from the report: A quality education, a decent job, access to healthcare and a life free from violence and discrimination are necessary foundations for women and girls to be equal partners with men and boys in every aspect of life. Progress of the World’s...
Document type: Reports
Topic: Sex
Document date: 21 Oct 2015
Source: UN Women
The Nepal Constitution which includes a section on new citizenship provisions which has implications on the ability of women to confer nationality on their children. Although the constitution now states either mothers or fathers can confer citizenship on their...
Country: Nepal
Document type: National Legislation
Topic: Citizenship
Document date: 09 Oct 2015
Source: United Nations Development Programme
A Case Summary of Tirkey v Chandok, an Employment Tribunal case concerning discrimination on the grounds of race/caste/ethnic origin, and religion.
Document type: Case Law
Topic: Race and Ethnicity, Religion
Document date: 02 Oct 2015
Source: Equal Rights Trust
An Employment Tribunal case concerning discrimination on the grounds of race/caste/ethnic origin, and religion.
Document type: Case Law
Topic: Race and Ethnicity, Religion
Document date: 02 Oct 2015
Source: Employment Tribunal
From the Abstract:
On 16 July 2015, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) delivered its judgment in CHEZ Razpredelenie Bulgaria AD v Komisia za zashtita ot diskriminatsia. The importance of this judgment, delivered by the Grand Chamber, can...
Document type: Equal Rights Trust Other
Topic: Race and Ethnicity
Document date: 02 Oct 2015
Source: Equal Rights Trust
A report from Warzone Initiatives outlining: the history of Myanmar; the current situation facing Rohingya in Myanmar; the international response to the situation; and Warzone initiatives' analysis of whether Rohingya atrocities in Myanmar can be classes as...
Document type: Reports
Topic: Race and Ethnicity
Document date: 01 Oct 2015
Source: Warzone Initiative
Extract from the report: The purpose of the research on access to socio-economic rights for Roma women, conducted by Praxis, is to provide information on Roma women’s access to the rights to health, education, employment, social assistance and information on...
Country: Serbia
Document type: Reports
Topic: Race and Ethnicity, Sex, Equality and Socio-Economic Rights
Document date: 01 Oct 2015
Source: Praxis