Article from volume 14 of the Equal Rights Review translated into Russian. The article was written by Jim Fitzgerald and Richard Wingfield and titled, More Haste Less Speed: Developments...
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Article from volume 14 of the Equal Rights Review translated into Russian. The article was written by Lucy Vickers and was titled, Religion and the Workplace.
Article from Volume 14 of the Equal Rights Review translated into Russian. The article is written by Nazila Ghanea and is titled, Driving While Baha’i: A Typology of Religious...
Article from volume 14 of the Equal Rights Review, translated into Russian and which was an interview with two experts on the topic of religion and equality.
Testimony from volume 14 of the Equal Rights Review translated into Russian. The testimony was given anonymously and was titled, An employee’s experience of covert workplace...
Testimony from Volume 16 of the Equal Rights Review translated into Russian. The testimony was given by Wai Wai Nu and is titled, Layers of Marginalisation: Life for Rohingya Women
Equal Rights Trust audited accounts report for the year ending September 2016.
Application form for Legal and Programmes Officer with the Equal Rights Trust.
Written statement from Equality Now and the Equal Rights Trust to the United Nations Human Rights Council concerning the need to reform gender discriminatory nationality laws. The statement highlighted the devastating impact of discriminatory nationality laws...
Moldovan language version of From Words to Deeds: Addressing Discrimination and Inequality in Moldova which analyses discrimination facing different people in Moldova on the basis of age, ethnicity, religion, disability, health status, gender and...
Part 3 of the report, From Words to Deeds: Addressing Discrimination and Inequality in Moldova. The report analyses discrimination facing different people in Moldova on the basis of age, ethnicity, religion, disability, health status, gender and sexual...
From Words to Deeds: Addressing Discrimination and Inequality in Moldova analyses discrimination facing different people in Moldova on the basis of age, ethnicity, religion, disability, health status, gender and sexual orientation and makes recommendations on...
Executive Summary of the report, From Words to Deeds: Addressing Discrimination and Inequality in Moldova. The report analyses discrimination facing different groups in Moldova on the basis of age, ethnicity, religion, disability, health status, gender and...
Acknowledgements of the report, From Words to Deeds: Addressing Discrimination and Inequality in Moldova. The report analyses discrimination facing different people in Moldova on the basis of age, ethnicity, religion, disability, health status, gender and...
Bibliography of, From Words to Deeds: Addressing Discrimination and Inequality in Moldova. The report analyses discrimination facing different people in Moldova on the basis of age, ethnicity, religion, disability, health status, gender and sexual orientation...
Introduction of the report, From Words to Deeds: Addressing Discrimination and Inequality in Moldova. The report analysis discrimination facing different groups in Moldova on the basis of age, ethnicity, religion, disability, health status, gender and sexual...
Part 2 of the report, From Words to Deeds: Addressing Discrimination and Inequality in Moldova. The report analyses discrimination facing different people in Moldova on the basis of age, ethnicity, religion, disability, health status, gender and sexual...
Part 4 of the report, From Words to Deeds: Addressing Discrimination and Inequality in Moldova. The report analyses discrimination facing different groups in Moldova on the basis of age, ethnicity, religion, disability, health status, gender and sexual...
Signatories of 136 organisations (including the Equal Rights Trust) who signed a pledge against the UK government's plans to repeal the Human Rights Act. The pledge made by the signatories reads:
We believe in fundamental human rights and freedoms –...
Extract from Human Dignity Trust: This Briefing Note considers the history, extent and nature of laws criminalising consensual sexual intimacy between women, and the homophobia anti-lesbian gay bisexual and transgender criminal laws of all varieties...
On 20 April a hearing took place at the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights on the case of Khamtokhu and Aksenchik v Russia in which the Court will decide whether two men convicted of crimes in Russia have been victims of gender and age...
This infographic showcases the work of the Equal Rights Trust with its partner, the Federation of Women Lawyers - Kenya, and 33 Community Based Organisation to provide legal and financial support to women and girls experiencing gender-based violence, limited...
Article from Jade Glenister, Legal and Programmes Assistant at the Equal Rights Trust written for volume 16 of the Equal Rights Review which focused on intersectionality.
Editorial for the 16th Volume of the Equal Rights Review written by Executive Director of the Equal Rights Trust, Dimitrina Petrova.