This is The Equal Rights Trust's submission to the Australian Senate Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs on the Sex Discrimination Amendment (Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Intersex Status) Bill 2013.
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This is ERT's Submission to the UK House of Lords on the Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Bill 2012-13
The Equal Rights Review, Volume Ten (2013)
This is the editorial to Volume Ten of The Equal Rights Review.
This is the article "The Poverty of Equality Jurisprudence in the Commonwealth Caribbean", authored by Arif Bulkan, published in Volume 10 of The Equal Rights Review.
This is the article "Behind Closed Doors: Trafficking into Domestic Servitude in Singapore", authored by Libby Clarke, published in Volume 10 of The Equal Rights Review
This is the article "The Legal Recognition of Same-Sex Couples in Europe and the Role of the European Court of Human Rights," authored by Jens M. Scherpe, published in Volume 10 of The Equal Rights Review.
This is the article "In Pursuit of Marriage Equality in Ireland: A Narrative and Theoretical Reflection", authored by Katherine Zappone, published in Volume 10 of The Equal Rights Review.
This is the article "Case Note: Indirect Discrimination, Reproductive Rights and the In Vitro Fertilisation Ban", authored by Ariel Dulitzky and Hannah Zimmermann, published in Volume 10 of The Equal Rights Review.
This is testimony gathered from an intersex person in Australia, published in Volume Ten of The Equal Rights Review.
This is "Developing Law and Policy: Progressing towards Equal Rights to Family Life. ERT talks with Ian Curry-Sumner and Stephen Gilbert", published in Volume Ten of The Equal Rights Review.
This is the The Equal Rights Trust Advocacy section of Volume 10 of The Equal Rights Review.
This is the Update on Current ERT Projects section of Volume 10 of The Equal Rights Review.
This is the ERT Work Itinerary for the period July ? December 2012. It was published in Volume 10 of The Equal Rights Review.
This is the article "Developing Equality Legislation in Divided Societies: the Case of Bosnia and Herzegovina", authored by Adnan Kadriba?ić, published in Volume 10 of The Equal Rights Review.
This is the article "Marriage Equality in Indonesia? Unruly Bodies, Subversive Partners and Legal Implications", authored by Saskia E. Wieringa, published in Volume 10 of The Equal Rights Review.
This is The Equal Rights Trust's stakeholder submission to the Universal Periodic Review of Malaysia. It is based on the findings and recommendations of the report Washing the Tigers: Addressing Discrimination and Inequality in Malaysia.
This is ERT's Submission to the UK Public Bill Committee on the Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Bill 2012-13
This legal opinion, submitted by ERT to the Parliament of Ukraine (the Verkhovna Rada) relates to Draft Law 0945 ?On the Introduction of Changes to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine (regarding the protection of children?s rights in the safe information sphere...
This letter was sent by ERT to the Chairman of the Parliament of Ukraine (the Verkhovna Rada) together with an ERT legal opinion on Draft Law 0945 ?On the Introduction of Changes to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine (regarding the protection of children?s...
This letter was sent by ERT to the President of the European Council, the President of the European Commission and other EU Commissioners, together with an ERT legal opinion on Draft Law 0945 ?On the Introduction of Changes to Certain Legislative Acts of...
Case Summary Eweida and ors v UK ECtHR Article 14 and Article 9
This is the covering letter sent with ERT's 2013 resubmission of its 2009 legal brief submitted to Ugandan President Yowere Museveni outlining how adoption of the Anti-Homosexuality Bill would breach both Uganda?s Constitution and its international treaty...
This is The Equal Rights Trust's Alternative Report to the 54th session of the Committee on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) in in the absence of the First to Third Periodic Reports of Solomon Islands, submitted in...
ERT's response to the consultation by the Australian Senate Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs on the Draft Anti-Discrimination and Human Rights Bill welcomes the Bill, but makes a number of recommendations on how it could be strengthened to...
This is the statement put our by the European Network on Statelessness on Human Rights Day 2012, calling on European and other states to end statelessness and ensure that those without a nationality are not deprived of a voice.
Case Summary: Irina Fedotova v Russian Federation
This is The Equal Rights Trust's audited accounts for the year ending September 2012.
ECtHR judgment re Article 8 and 14, immigration status as "other status" under Article 14.